Friday, November 5, 2010

Was successful in inserting an employee's record into the database.  Did not full too much with the image since enctype and multipart are already on the form.  Will bring over the image after everything else works.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


The switchboard will look something like this.


After the user logs in and the login is successful, I was thinking of introducing a switchboard with the options for HR, Budget, Secretary of Finance, Accounts and all other users accessing the system.  Depending on the user's credentials and access priviledge they would be granted the option of visiting their requisite pages.  this link shows that it can work.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

back up search

Found this link during a  search   "backup and recovery " for back up and recovery.  It will come in handy.

The site re-emphasised the importance of data as the heart of organisations consequently a back up and recovery plan protects against lost of data, database corruption, hardware failures and natural disasters. 
Secondly it pointed out that as administrator, one must ensure that backups are performed and that tapes are stored in a secure location.

Need to know
What data to back up
When and how to back up
Time is important in creating a backup plan

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Database link

<a href="">SQL Foreign Key</a>

This link will help as a revision for any database issues

Friday, August 27, 2010

Additional Attributes identified

Identified additional attributes for the subclasses and parent class.  as wll as others for the job entity. This will aid in the normalisation process.  I also build classes which made the process easier for me visually

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Entity Relationship Diagram

Started this blog over the last couple weeks but I lost it.  I am therefore starting over.  After last Tuesday's class, I recognise how much work is required, more so the joy to be gained from finishing this project successfully.
It was noted that there should be a balance in the software and the report and the report must never be given lesser importance. 
I was able to imporve on the ERD-diagram for the IOS.  Further, I improved it by adding the attributes.  What I want to do now within the next two days is to normalise it and plug in data and write sql statements to achieve basic functionality.  Once that is successfull I will immediately start coding. 

I am thinking of going php rather than C# as mentiioned in the report.  But must remember to justify why this was changed.  The database for me is the weakest area.  The coding will require some revision but is can be accomplished with ernest effort. 

This system would represent a budget estimate system geared towards re-engineering the paper based annual budget preparation process for the Tobago House of Assembly.  What makes this unique is that the HR units of Ministries prepare the PE portion of the estimates.  This however is not done in the THA.  Rather each Division, situated at varying locations prepare their estimates and submit to head office(Budget)  Only if it is correct can the system be considered efficient, however it is never correct and requires several modifications.  Communicating the modifications to the Divisions is timely and is a correct representation is achieved after several weeks. 

Communication Technology can improve this process.  At the time THA had was not yet on board with IHRIS which makes their situation even more challenging. 

Entity Relationship Diagram of the proposed system Phase 1

I furtther added some attributes to come up with Phase 1(b)

Entity Relationship diagram Phase 1(b)

Luckily for me tonight, I was able to log on to the wireless network in the area after trying for two days.